
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Magnet Winners!

Congratulations Sue and Ed!  You are the 'proud' new owners of some very loud magnetic announcements of a Serious Case of the Runs.  Send me an e-mail (susanpaige1 at gmail dot com) with your mailing address and I'll get those out to you ASAP!

I am currently in recovery mode from some hardcore crewing and pacing for Geof at this past weekend's Wasatch 100.  He did amazing!!  And completely worked me over for the last 25 miles of the race.  Thus, I got in a very good training run in the mountains :)  I feel like I ran a hard 50 miler today, so I can only imagine how Geof's legs feel today, lol!

Please bear with me as I am still acclimating to my new schedule: school, work (yes, I got a great job in a PT clinic here in SLC!), homework, papers, clinical observation hours, training, prepping for Bear 100, and generally scraping up what little true downtime I now have for short bits of relaxation.  The blogging has been sitting on the back burner in the meantime.  But I'll be back at it soon!

Paige, out.


  1. Congrats to Geof on the finish! It was fun running into you guys a few times out there. Best of luck at The Bear. I'll be out there pacing my dad the last 50.

  2. Awesome!! Hopefully we'll run into you at the Bear!


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