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Sunday, November 23, 2014

News Bulletin: Serious Case of the Runs Expanding

*Screeeeech* *Taptaptap*

Is this thing on?  Oh, good :)

It's the end of November and I have SO MUCH TO TELL YOU!  In less than two weeks' time I will graduate from my program and begin preparing to sit for my boards to become a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant in January.  This has been a really long journey.  Mostly fun and amazing, also quite frustrating and difficult at times, but alwaysalwaysalways worth it.  This all began back in 2009 when I first began taking prerequisite courses in anticipation of going to PT or PTA school.  And now it's finally all coming to a delightful close, the next door waiting to be opened.

On that note, we've expanded our family!  We got a puppy!  A vizsla to be exact!  Back in August we took the plunge and boy what a ride it has been!  

Introducing Cadence June Dunmore...

A mere 7 weeks old in this photo, and less than 9 pounds...

And, really, she looks a lot more like this now...

Now five months old and just under 30 pounds of raw energy and puppy love! And not so easy to curl up in our laps these days!

Cadence is going to be an amazing running dog when the time comes (around 1.5-2 years of age), but in the meantime it's a lot of walking, pooping, loving on her parents, and playing puppy pinball in circles around the house :)

Speaking of expanding our family...we're doing it again!  Go figure, we get a puppy and two months later we find out I'm almost two months pregnant!  What an absolutely thrilling surprise!!

Introducing "Blueberry" Dunmore...

Those are arms and legs!  How freaking cool is that?!  This is a 13 week shot of both of us :)

So, needless to say, things have changed a bit here at Serious Case of the Runs headquarters.  Lots less running (mostly because my midwife had charged me with gaining 10lbs back in July, but also because I have been so tired), so much napping, and so many cheeseburger cravings.  Once school shuts down in a couple of weeks, I'll ramp the running back up.  We are now in the second trimester and energy levels are supposed to peak, so I plan to take advantage of this little window of opportunity and get in some delicious pregnancy miles :)

I cannot begin to express how EXCITED we are about all of this.  And deliriously happy.  And terrified all at the same time!

We just got our first snow here in the valley.  So I think we need to get in our first snow run of the year.  Just wanted to pop in and share all the big news!

Paige, out.

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