Ugggggghhhhh. Oh the boredom. Now I know what it feels like to be a there's a big black void in life. I can't imagine having that all the time.
Of course, I only kid, a little. But seriously, not running just sucks. I've got my foam roller on its side and I'm sitting on it as I type this. I have to feel connected somehow. My trusty foam roller does the trick. There is nothing I'd rather be doing right now than a nice little 10-miler. The weather is perfect for it: mid 40's, overcast, slight breeze. But I'm stuck inside because I'm still in "recovery" mode from last weekend's 50k whim in the woods.
Randy of Running Fit in Ann Arbor, MI put it best when he wrote that he doesn't like racing so much anymore because of the recovery time it requires in the aftermath. He loses out on good running because he's recovering from a race. Too bad I love racing so much.
I have an achy-in-a-way-that-makes-me-nervous left hamstring (behind and slightly above my knee), and a weird ache/pain on or around my right achilles. Not sure what it is, but I'm thinking I probably twisted or sprained my ankle a little during the 50k last weekend. Wouldn't shock me as I rolled both ankles a couple times, and the trail was banked to the right most of the time, hence the pain in my right ankle. I've never sprained or twisted anything that I'm aware of, so I'm not actually sure. I guess I'll find out at PT on Tuesday. Until then, I sit and twiddle my thumbs.
Of course I could write about Columbus. That was a fun trip :)
The Columbus Marathon was last weekend, and Mike and I roadtripped there to meet Jeremy at the expo and sell some Atayne shirts. My first experience on the other side of the vendor table at a race expo. Pretty cool.
Now, I consider myself pretty directionally abled, but for some reason this ability was turned off on our drive to Columbus. Mike and I decided to go for a quick 10-miler when I got home and wait out the weekend traffic. Great run, new route, loved it! So by the time we got on the road, it was after 9:00 already. Oy. We didn't take seriously signs along 90 saying that the exit towards 65 South was closed and to take a detour, and when we got into the friendly confines of Gary, Indiana, we were faced with the consequences of our actions.
Scariest/strangest gas station ever. The dude behind the counter was wearing cartoon flannel pj's and leopard print fuzzy slippers...the sugar at the coffee counter was clumpy, everything on the shelves were covered in a layer of dust, I spilled burning hot coffee on my hands, and then I immediately started deciding my plan of action once my wallet was stolen from me at gun point. Internally I was freaking out a little, but hopefully it didn't look that way. Mike got directions from the leopard fuzzy slippers guy (who was really quite nice), and I stood behind him as 3 large men entered the store and greeted the attendant.
Thankfully, the directions leopard fuzzy slippers gave us were spot on and we were on the highway in no time. Not before getting a scenic tour of Gary, Indiana first. Yikes. Nice little roadtrip, and we switched drivers around West Lafayette, and then our lives (and sense of direction) were in my hands. Mike was in and out of sleep the rest of the 6 or 7 hour drive, so it was easy for me to want to follow suit. I was almost to the point of holding my eyes open with my hands. I was tired, but thankfully my bladder is about the size of a dime, so we had to stop a lot and that allowed me to wake up a little each time. Around 5 a.m. we finally arrived in Grove City, Ohio and pulled into the motel Jeremy was already fast asleep in. I slept like a baby.
The guys got up early, while I slept in, and went to the expo to set up. I met them there around noon, and then Mike went back to the hotel to do some work and take a nap.
The guys got up early, while I slept in, and went to the expo to set up. I met them there around noon, and then Mike went back to the hotel to do some work and take a nap.
People were honestly interested in the product and loved hearing all about it. It started out slow, but eventually picked up as people were rushing in to get their packets before close. Tons of vendors had "expo deals" and we were directly across the aisle from a running store advertising "50% off everything". But somehow we managed to sell a good deal of shirts, at full price. It was great. Shows you that people believe in Atayne and will pay the premium for a high quality product. The guys would have liked to sell more than we did, but we didn't do so bad especially when you consider the competition we had in the same room, and the pathetic state of the U.S. economy. I was really happy to be a part of it. We inspected every shirt before we handed it over to its new owner, and made sure they knew that if anyone had a problem with the size or color that we would exchange it, no problem.
It's inspiring to see a company like this in action, and to know that they really are looking out for the interests of its customers. It's not just about money, it's more about delivering a phenomenal product, and making sure the customer is 100% satisfied with it. Jeremy refused to push anything on anyone because why should someone buy something they don't need? It would go completely against the whole idea of reduce reuse recycle. Talk about staying true to yourself! So, we just talked about the product and answered questions as they came up. From there, the shirts pretty much sold themselves.
And so the day went. It was great. I even bought some Gu for our race the next day, and some fun bumper stickers before the expo closed down. Mike hopped across the aisle and picked up a pair of gloves for the race. Then it was time to close up shop. That's the least fun part about these things, but it actually went really smoothly and we were out of there in no time.
Who says event breakdown can't be fun?
Mike coasting his way out of the exhibit hall on the Atayne dolly...
Then we decided we were hungry, and chose the hottest spot in town for dinner...Waffle House!!!! As Mike said, "Only the best for my girlfriend and Atayne!"
Mmmmm, Busch Light, Natural Light and PBR. And don't forget, Mike and I had a 50k to run the next morning, now that's hardcore!
Read on for all about the Stone Steps first go at an ultramarathon!
Paige, out.
Darn - you're stealing all the good material for my blog! Blog-material stealer!! For real, it was yet another great weekend and Jack loved coming along. He loves the Red Roof Inn for allowing dogs...and other insects to stay at no additional charge :)
See you in a few hours!
RRI represented...even if it only gave us one packet of shampoo for three people :)
I only the skimmed the weekend here, you have plenty of material left m'dear!
You the bomb Paige. Thanks again for your help! I love it when people will work for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Organic of course.
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