I signed up for the Vermont 100k...yes "kilometer", not "miler"; I'm not that bat-shit crazy...yet :)

I'm freakin' excited! Wow, do I have a lot of training to do. Not to mention I'll need to put in some solid night running. The 100k runners start at 2:00 p.m., so it is guaranteed that I'll be running in the dark. That said, I'll need a pacer for those final 15 miles. I'm scared of the dark :) Well, scared to run in the dark of night in a place I've never even seen before, all alone. Plus it'll be hot and I get kinda cranky when I'm hot so it would be nice to have someone to tell me to stop my bitching and keep running/walking/crawling :) Vermont Mike would be perfect for this job, but he will be busy running his first 100 miler at the same event. Woohoo!
For the record, I will place any and all necessary blame on VM as this was his doing. I was perfectly happy not knowing that a 100k option existed for this race. But, nooooooo. "Paige, there's a 100k race, same date/time/place as my 100-miler. I DARE YOU." That was all it took. Then the wheels started spinning. I still have the e-mail with the above quote from him. I will frame it once I finish :) Take that! I have a weakness for racing dares, within reason, of course. VM knows this. I also have a weakness for talking unfounded smack, but that's neither here nor there.
So, the madness continues! I guess I should work on not getting injured anymore so that I can do this. Speaking of, I learned how to do "the clam" exercise. Let me tell you, it's not very ladylike, but my goodness is it a hip and butt burner! Google it and there are plenty of videos to show you how to do it.
Crash, out.
Go Paige! I'm excited for you!!
I've been doing that "clam" too.
I find I've got to talk to the right places to get the right things to do their job. I've got muscles that want to do aaall the work, and not leave any for other muscles to do. (Not good.)
Thanks, Lori! Me too, my quads and calves want to work triple overtime, but my butt and hips are lazy as all hell :) Go clam!
Sounds like a blast. I, for one, will be enjoying vicarious thrills as you and Mike do all the work. Your mom knows what she's talking about. :)
Yay Crash! I look forward to hearing about your training progress, valiant 100k finish, and super entertaining race report. :-)
LOL about the "clam" exercise - when I was doing Pilates regularly we did sets of those, yep, quite the burn! Which reminds me, I need to get my butt back into Pilates!
Good luck with the VT 100K.
I see you are running Pineland Farms. Still deciding but I may be there for the 50K.
Good luck, Paige! I believe as long as we stay injury free (well, mostly ;-)) we can do a lot!
I tend to decide to do things in a moment I realise how scared I am ;-)
The reason for signing for Jungfrau this September was that I am terrified of running uphills...
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