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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Baby Steps

Ahhhh...  Another year older now and, so far,  my new age fits pretty well :) 

I decided to kick off the day following my birthday with a bit of a blog overhaul.  While it is more like a revamping of the previous look, it is a change nonetheless.  Hey, baby steps :)  I kid you not, I played around with a dozen other layouts and thingies and after what was probably hours, I ended up picking a layout that is almost identical to my previous layout :)  Heh, go figure.

It's been a full two WEEKS since I've taken a single running step.  And, you know what?  It's not horrible.  But I don't really recommend it if you enjoy being sane and normal ;)  Those two gnarly blisters I got under my big toenails brought me to my knees (on a "manageable pain" day, the feeling was akin to what I imagine it feels like to have your nails yanked off with pliers...nice, huh?).  So, after a week of no running, Geof had had enough.  He set up his road bike on the bike trainer and demanded that I ride.  I resisted for a short bit, staring down the foreign contraption with laser eyes.  I poked and prodded it, circled it, and then decided maybe I'd give it a shot, but I wasn't happy about it... 

I'm thinking maybe I should write an Ode to the Bike Trainer blog post!  But, that would be sacrilege on this running blog :-)  So I will simply state that said Trainer has been a godsend for me this past week.  I get to move my legs and sweat like a pig all without leaving the apartment!  I was lamenting how high maintenance every other activity is compared to running, so this was a perfect solution.  Plus, my new bike is now in the construction phase so I look forward to its arrival in the coming weeks, bam! 

Sidenote:  Dornbox Bikes is the place to go if you're looking for a top notch, custom made ride sure to turn heads.   Chris Dornbach is a genius...which is really good because I know NOTHING about bikes, other than that they have two wheels and a seat :)

Anyhow, the blistery toes are on the mend finally and it's looking like running is indeed in my future :)  You know when you get in a spot where you can't do a whole lot (injury/setback, gross blisters, etc.) and you feel like you'll never run again?  (I know, talk about dramatic.)  Know that eventually you do get to the other side of it.  You will run again.  That's how we humans roll.  I'm now trying to use my forced down time as time to work on some weak areas...hips, glutes, calves, feet...so that when I do return to running I'm not right back where I left off, expecting new results.  That's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again while expecting the outcome to be different.  Working on the weak stuff, while NOT running, will hopefully position me better.  I'm also thinking about revamping my approach to running...low mileage still (under 40-50 mpw), but shuffling things around and adding a little bit of (but not too much) speed work.  We'll see, plenty of time to work on this in my non-running state :)  I also need to start some research on new road shoes.  It has come to my attention that my feet are now just wide enough that I can't wear my road shoes without getting an annoying side-of-the-ball-of-my-foot blister.  Any suggestions for cushioney, neutral road delights?  We already know how much I love my trail shoes :)

Back to my baby steps...

Crash, out.


Danni said...

Happy birthday!

Kim Cavill said...

I like the Nike Free's for road shoes, but hate everything else they have ever made. I also like Vibram five fingers on the road. If you are into more traditional stuff, Saucony's are fabulous for people with a narrow/normal midfoot and heel, but wide ball and toe spread (I have bunions) because they have a roomy toebox.

Kim said...

Glad to see your feet are getting better Paige and are almost ready to get back to running. It sounds as if your baby steps are very well thought out with your cross training and strength work and I am sure you will be back to new in no time.

I have no recommendations for running shoes as I hate them. I have become a huge fan of Vibrams and only run with them now on roads as it allows me to work on form which always seems to go out the door whenever I am on a road because every road run turns into a speed run so I can get it over with. ;-)

Enjoy your week.

HappyTrails said...

Ahhhh, ode to the Bike Trainer - NICE!!! - although it is WAY TOO EARLY to have that thing out! They only make an appearance at our house when we don't feel like freezing our tails off outside in the midst of winter. :-) I think my mountain bike will be getting some love (outside, though!) tomorrow. Shoes-I am an Asics girl. If you try any road (isn't 'road' a cuss word???) Asics, you could try the Cumulus or Nimbus - both are geared toward a neutral runner. Have fun!

Kathryn Joseph said...

Happy belated birthday. I turned 42 (gulp) on 9/25 as well. This will be my first 50k so I've taken to reading your Glacial Trail 50k blog numerous times over the months.

Hope you will be there again. High hopes I'm ready to take this challenge on!

Run happy!

Paige said...

Kathryn, I'll be there! I won't be running this year, though, I'll be hanging out and helping out Geof (he's running the 50M). See you there!

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