The first half felt like buttah (you know, like butter, but bettah... :)). Then, my mind started to wander and I found myself thinking, "I have control over this; I can end this at any time I like."
WHOA! That is a 100 mile thought that creeps in in the wee hours of the morning, near mile 80, once you're covered in a thin layer of grit, dust, sweat, not a little bit of bodily fluids, and spilled Perpetuem, and you've become prone to tourettes-esque speech. That is not a thought that occurs at mile eight of a 10 miler. So I castigated myself in my own head and made sure that the thought was sufficiently annihilated as we moved along. My legs felt fine, but my breathing was heavy. I had no concept of our speed, but it felt similar to any other day, just a bit faster the second half.
By the time we were a mile from home I clipped back into myself and felt like buttah once more. Just a little dip there that popped up out of nowhere, and I was more than pleased that I kicked that dip in the arse.
Oh, last night I experienced Graston for the first time ever. I was observing at my favorite PT clinic here in the city, and PT Mike offered to have me try out some Graston. He was recently certified in the technique and I was very eager to try it out after I observed him use it on three patients earlier in the evening. It was really neat! I just had him use it on my right shin. I could feel lots of crackling as he moved over it with the instruments. It sort of helps you find where adhesions are based on how red the skin becomes as the heavy metal Graston tools move over your skin. Once they find some good spots, the practitioner works on those areas to break things up. My shin and ankle felt dreamy this morning! Such a simple little thing, but I can see where it would be really helpful for peeps with actual superficial tissue troubles. I know a lot of clinicians aren't too keen on the technique, but there are a zillion different schools of thought on everything. I like it. I'd try it again :)
Paige, out.
I think a nice bottle of wine is calling to go with your burgers, too! Doubles are for crazy people!! ;)
Awesome pace on the T10 - holy cow! I love it when that stuff happens. Sounds like marriage makes you faster.
Jealous. I'd love to try a session of Graston. On its face, it seems like it might be the right therapy for the particular niggles that nag me. Alas, my tiny burg has no practitioner of that either.
@Gretchen, I think you're right...marriage puts speed in my feets! :) I thought about some wine with the burgers, but went with a can (yes, a can) of my favorite cheap beer instead :) All class here!
@Stacy, Graston (according to the PT I was observing) is great for superficial (close to the surface) tissue problems as it is actually a pretty gentle technique, and doesn't have the "digging" of an ART session. It's also used a lot for PF. It seems like something that could be easily replicated at home...which I'm a big fan of :) Keep an eye out for practitioners, I bet it picks up a little more steam. Or, maybe suggest the certification to your fave PT or chiropractor in town :-)
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