On the way back in, as we reached Monroe Harbor, Geof pointed out that there was a rainbow. I turned to the right and saw the most perfect rainbow in the sky. And not just any rainbow, it was a double rainbow (like in the picture above), and it was a complete arc, not just a wussy half rainbow! It was gorgeous! I can't recall ever seeing anything like that before. I couldn't look away, it was so cool!
You just don't get to see that kind of thing if you're cooped up inside. As runners, we are constantly treated to such surprises on the run. I highly recommend getting outside and enjoying the scenery; you just never know what you'll stumble upon!
Crash, out.
Awesome picture Paige! Another reminder of why we run & love it so much.
Thanks, Jason :) You just reminded me that I should mention that the above picture is a stock photo, not one I took. I didn't have my camera on me last night, but the above rainbow looks a lot like what I saw over the Chicago lakefront...beeeeeaUtiful!
Paige! Sounds like a great run! Love the rain runs too. They just don't happen often enough. I guess if I lived in Seattle, I might change my mind. :)
I saw the double rainbow too! It was probably the best one I've ever seen. I stopped cold turkey for about 10 minutes and just watched it in awe. Glad others enjoyed it as well!
Excellent blog! I enjoyed reading...
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